The best mattress for Rs 500 in India is the twin bed from Queen’s twin mattress firm, according to a report in The Times Of India.
The brand says that the twin mattress was made by Royal & King, and comes in a range of prices ranging from Rs 5,000 to Rs 6,500 per month.
The mattress is made of cotton and is made to last for years and can be used as a twin bed for a family of three.
Queen’s Twin is also selling a range and mattress online.
Read more: Best twin mattress in India: Queen’s twins for Rs 5K per monthBest twin mattress for Delhi: Queen twin mattress best in Delhi (R &.
King)The Times of Ireland reported that Queen’s brand said that the mattress was manufactured in Bengaluru by Royal&King.
The twin bed is a four-poster design that features an adjustable chest and waist to provide a comfortable position.
It is made from a soft, absorbent cotton, which can be washed in hot water and is eco-friendly.
The company said that it has a large range of different twin mattels in India and has been selling its twin beds in the country for the past two years.