A company in India has announced that its newest mattress is not compatible to the new baby mattress manufactured by Newton Baby.
Newton Baby is one of the top names in the mattress industry, and the company said it had developed a mattress that was compatible with all of the mattress brands that are available in India.
Newson Baby has a global sales and marketing strategy and is focused on bringing new products to the market.
The company has also introduced new mattress brands that offer innovative designs and performance, according to a press release.
In a statement, a spokesperson said that the company was looking into the issue with the mattress brand and is currently looking at a possible solution.
The statement did not say whether the mattress manufacturer is still using the brand name Newton Baby or has changed its name.
The brand has a long history in India and it has been a part of the furniture industry for years.
In March, a brand called Newton Baby was acquired by the global furniture giant Ikea.
Newtons mattress is made from a special blend of cotton, alpaca, wool and latex.
It is the same brand as the baby mattress made by the same firm.
The new mattress was released in May and has been available in Indian markets for about two weeks.
In India, the mattresses are sold through Newton Babys stores and online.